Custom braces

Anti-grinding teeth at night, anti-snoring, night-time dental shield, protecting sleep


Anti-grinding teeth at night, anti-snoring, night-time dental shield, protecting sleep


Wearing a dental shield can effectively prevent teeth grinding at night and can stop snoring. Name: dental shield Specifications: 2pcs Gross weight: 30g


Dental impression kit to make your own dental impressions


According to the plan formulated by the transferring dentist, a suitable dental impression set will be sent, and the dental model will be made according to the tutorial, so that the doctor can obtain dental data through 3D scanning.


Factory direct supply, online customization, Invisalign, invisible teeth correction braces (treatment course: 1 month)


Direct supply from the factory, guaranteed quality, lowest price, online diagnosis by dental experts, formulating the optimal plan. 3D scanning obtains the best parameters, and creates a personalized correction process based on age, gender, and difficulty of correction. Professional factories produce invisible braces based on the data. Correction The whole process is tracked, the correction plan is adjusted in time according to the needs, and the correction plan is remade for free. invisible correction process 1: Take photos of teeth 2: Preliminary analysis 3: Make a tooth model 4: Design revision plan 5: 3D printed braces 6: Wear braces

Smile List Plan

Factory direct supply, online customization, Invisalign, invisible teeth correction braces (treatment duration: 24 months)


Direct supply from the factory, guaranteed quality, lowest price, online diagnosis by dental experts, formulating the optimal plan. 3D scanning obtains the best parameters, and creates a personalized correction process based on age, gender, and difficulty of correction. Professional factories produce invisible braces based on the data. Correction The whole process is tracked, the correction plan is adjusted in time according to the needs, and the correction plan is remade for free. invisible correction process 1: Take photos of teeth 2: Preliminary analysis 3: Make a tooth model 4: Design revision plan 5: 3D printed braces 6: Wear braces

Prevent snoring braces, prevent snoring, teeth grinding, night sleep mouth guard


Prevent snoring braces, prevent snoring, teeth grinding, night sleep mouth guard


Prevent snoring braces, prevent teeth grinding at night, and effectively improve sleep Name: Braces to prevent snoring Material: silicone Specifications: 1pcs Gross weight: 26g

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