Answers to frequently asked questions

Is there an age limit for wearing braces?

  • Whether you can wear braces or not has nothing to do with your age.
  • As long as your teeth are healthy, orthodontics can be done at any age.
  • The best age for correction?

  • Children’s permanent tooth stage: The best period for orthodontic treatment is between 12 and 13 years old. However, children lack self-control and are more likely to fail.
  • Adult Orthodontics: Adult orthodontic treatment is for people between the ages of 20 and 35. Adults have strong self-control and a high success rate.
  • Why choose invisible braces?

  • Invisible braces are made of the latest transparent materials, which are much better than invisible braces. You can’t find the braces you are wearing without looking carefully. A personalized correction plan is set according to each person’s dental condition, and a new pair is replaced every 2 weeks or so. Braces, ongoing correction.
  • Using invisible braces for correction does not affect social interaction, will not be seen by others, and can be removed at any time without affecting eating. Cheaper than traditional correction methods.
  • The cycle of invisible braces

  • Depending on different correction reasons, 20-40 weeks of wearing time are required.
  • The specific correction period requires the doctor to give the final plan.
  • Does Invisalign affect eating?

  • Compared with fixed braces, they not only improve the aesthetics, but also can be taken off and put on by yourself. You can brush your teeth directly after eating. You can take them off directly, wash them, and put them back on again without deformation.
  • True invisible, does not affect aesthetics,
  • Transparent material, produced by 3D printing